

We are a leading public affairs consultancy that combines a solid analysis of political, economic, legislative, regulatory and social risk issues to strengthen the prevention and advocacy capabilities of companies and investors in a highly volatile public environment. With 15 years of experience, we have successfully collaborated with companies in the financial, energy and consumer sectors, as well as international organizations, regulatory bodies, federal and state governments.


Political Risk Analysis

Integralia develops political intelligence through the analysis of political, economic, electoral, governance and security issues to support clients in a timely and effective manner in their decision-making process.

Legislative and regulatory monitoring

Integralia prepares diagnostics on the regulatory and political environment that can affect financial markets, companies' profits and operations, as well as their corporate reputation.

Social impact

Integralia helps to detect and mitigate social and regulatory challenges and risks in energy, mining, agro-industrial and infrastructure projects in a timely manner, generating certainty for their development.

Planning for governments

Integralia works with its clients to define management's vision, priorities and goals, as well as in the periodic evaluation of its achievements.

Strategic Communication

Integralia designs effective and tailor-made communication strategies. We provide specialised and proven successful advice for the construction of credible, persuasive and effective narratives that allow you to take your communication to another level and strengthen your organisation's reputation in increasingly competitive markets.

Studies and Training

Integralia produces reports on issues of public interest that contribute to a better understanding of the political and governance context, and special studies on topics of interest to clients.

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